Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Somebody Else's Reading: So Don't Panic

I hope to come back to the translated text called Septuagint soon. This post is just to reassure us that we're not alone, that other people actually read this stuff.

The "don't panic" logo above is from Kevutim, the writings of James R. Getz, Jr. and his Biblical Studies Carnival XLII. If you've stumbled upon this blog but not yet upon his, you might want to hear what the conversation about this blog has been. Here's more than you want to read (and you might find other responses at my other blog, which Getz ignores so I will too):

In Hebrew Bible, J. K. Gayle of The WOMBman’s Bible translated LXX Num 5.11-31 and compared the water ordeal of the sotah to waterboarding. John Hobbins responded that it is important for feminist interpreters “to respect the alterity of the texts” for those to whom the Bible is their “light, mirror, and compass,” if their interpretations are to gain an wider audience. Julia M. O’Brien’s post The F-word the P-word and bell hooks, though independent of the foregoing discussion might nonetheless be relevant. Steering clear of all such discussions, Douglass Mangum of Biblia Hebraic posted on the message of Malachi. Dr Claude Mariottini posted on the question of Who Was King Lemuel?

PS: and for the past few months here have been other, sometimes kinder, comments:

I’m dying for a translation of God’s fiery words that commits a violent work of art! I can’t even understand a blog like WombMan’s Bible (, but as I taste the issues in passing he makes me want to cry. I’ll gladly struggle through awkward phrasings and heavy-handed restructurings if someone will give me the passion.
--from codepoke

I have almost almost given up writing about translation because there has been little to stimulate new thoughts and approaches. Mostly rehashing the same old thing. But here is a new blog called The WOMBman's Bible. In this post, there are several very striking observations about worldplay in the Greek translation of the first few chapters of Genesis.
--from Suzanne's Bookshelf with a nice comment also from Jane Stranz.

Also returning is J.K. Gayle, on The WOMBman’s Bible (looking at those wacky Greek translations of the Jewish scriptures) and Aristotle’s Feminist Subject (looking at many things, but always looking at them a little askew).
--from those kind reporters of the Top Bibliobloggers
who had noticed when I'd returned to blogging (after a hiatus) for all kinds of wacky reasons.

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